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Municipal Solid Waste to Green Energy Project

Waste management has been a long time problem worldwide particularly in third world countries. It continues to destroy lives and natural environment. But with the latest technology on waste treatment nowadays, biosphere technology is a great help to many countries. It is the biosphere gasification process or biosphere technology which uses gasification system to destroy and convert municipal solid waste into marketable products like energy. Many green energy projects have been launched already using this technology.

The purpose of this technology is to eliminate waste materials and help clean the environment at the same time to de-carbonize the production of green energy. It also caters economic development feasibility through providing renewable energy at much lower price compare to other renewable energy sources and to fossil fuels like oil and gas. Moreover, with the flourishing investments on renewable energy stocks, both businesses and consumers will definitely benefit.

The treatment of municipal solid waste is in full compliance with the U.S and European atmospheric standard emissions including the latest International standards on flue emissions. Since it undergoes thermal conversion, it does not emit harmful emissions to the atmosphere unlike fossil fuels which are known to be the highest emitter of carbon dioxide. Its thermal conversion involves the gasification process which has five distinct stages with a combination of pyrolysis. The waste materials or MSW are destroyed using high temperatures (1600-1700 degree Celsius) which can destroy and convert all kinds of wastes including cancer-causing dioxins and toxins.

Several countries are now using the biosphere technology including the Philippines. The first biosphere facility in the said country is now being constructed in City of San Fernando Pampanga. The technology not only solves waste management problem but generate green energy in economical and ecological benign manner.

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